
Does speediness wear off in vyvanse
Does speediness wear off in vyvanse

I've found very little information on this topic, I'm sure it would effect other sports as well like cycling and swimming. I really don't know what to do because on one hand the medication works hands down but I love being active and doing cardio. I told my doctor about this and he didn't seem to concerned but took my dose down, the pharmacist said to run in the morning before you take your medication which I might have to do. On 70mg for the life of me I could not even run 5 40min/km but when I dosed down I was able to easily do a 5 20min/km which is more my pace, my heart rate hasn't seen an improvement though with dosing down. I just dosed down from 70mg to 60mg and even doing that I've noticed a slight improvement with my performance. Anyways I can confidently say that this medication not only raises my heart rate by 15-20 bpm when doing a easy easy easy run but it also inhibits my running performance as well. I'm just your regular runner, nothing special, ran my first marathon this year at the beginning of September. The medication has changed my life significantly with focus and fatigue/sleepiness but I have noticed a significant hit to my running. I started Vyvanse in late July 2021 and gradually dosed up from 10mg all the way to 70mg. Wow!!! finally found something on the Internet relating to what I'm experiencing, your post is 2 years old but thought would put my 2 cents in. I’m switching to a non stimulant because the negatives on the body far out weigh the focus. I just wanted to advise every runner on this drug that you may be working the hardest you’ve ever worked, you may be more focused on your goal then ever, but you’ll never reach it because the medicine holds you back. The difference is amazing when it comes to running. Today I didn’t take it for my 8 mile easy run and my heart rate didn’t go over 145. I figured this was just because I’m a bad runner with bad genetics. Another thing is my heart rate is usually 160-170 ON MY EASY RUNS. I usually split about 5:30s in mile repeats but every single repeat was under 4:55. First workout this week I decided to skip it that morning. I knew something wasn’t right and then found out vyvanse can make your heart rate insanely high when running. Once again I had a good time the first race but then stagnated. So heading into junior xc (this year) I trained right, slow easy mileage,45 miles a week. I figured what any other high school athlete would, overtraining. I was coming off a great sophomore xc season pumped for track and it did start off well, but as the season went on everything became harder and my heart felt heavier and heavier with every run. I’ve been taking vyvanse for around a year for my ADD, and props to the medicine it worked amazingly in school and helped me focus on what I needed to.

does speediness wear off in vyvanse

There’s no really a question I just wanted to advise all runners currently taking vyvanse the effect is tremendous.

Does speediness wear off in vyvanse